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Naicheachd 'sa Ghàidhlig/Scottish Gaelic News

Sept 25th through Oct 30th

Royal Mod Concludes in Perth

The Royal National Mòd, the annual Gaelic Language, Song, Poetry, and Culture compettition appointed its new Bard on the sixth day of the prestigious annual Gaelic cultural event. Poet, broadcaster and journalist Peter Mackay was awarded the historic literature honour in recognition of his significant contribution to the Gaelic literary world.

New Aberdeen City Council initiative seeks to attract Gaelic teachers

A new Aberdeen City Council initiative looks to attract Gaelic teachers. The city looks to expand its growing Gaelic speaking population by alleviating the search for Gaelic teachers. The city is working with Bòrd na Gàidhlig - the principal public body in Scotland responsible for promoting Gaelic development - and parents organisation Comann nam Pàrant to ensure adverts are circulated as widely as possible to attract staff to the city.

UK Government looks to increase support of the Gaelic Broadcasting

During a debate at Westminster, Conservative former Scotland Office minister Iain Stewart said the service required the same status enjoyed by Welsh language broadcasters. Additional funding is needed to increase Gaelic Language content and promote the usage of the language as a community language.

Bha òrain a sgrìobh luchd-labhairt òga na Gàidhlig a’ nochdadh aig Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail na bliadhna-sa ann am Peairt.

Songs written by young Gaelic speakers were in the spotlight at this year’s Royal National Mòd in Perth

Feis Rois and NatureScot combined to work with Secondary students to create songs featured at the Annual Mod, or Gaelic Music and Culture Competition. The project supported seven secondary pupils to write new Gaelic songs connected to Scotland’s nature and landscapes under the mentoring by Mary Ann Kennedy and Ewen Henderson. Gaelic article here.

Highland Council gets funding boost for Gaelic education in Tain and Skye

Highland Council will receive £1.4 million from the Scottish Government to develop Gaelic school units in Tain and Skye. The funding is a part of the £3 million pound investment in the youth of Scotland as well as the long-term viability of highland culture and tourism.

Shortage of new Gaelic teachers due to Language growth presents a crisis

A new analysis says 19 local authorities indicate that in the next five years Scotland will need 420 primary Gaelic teachers. In addition, they will require 229 in secondaries just to meet the needs of existing or planned provision. Numbers graduating from universities this year alone to potentially teach Gaelic amount to just four in secondary and 21 in primary. There is a huge opportunity for growth and career as a Gaelic teacher.

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